An Unforgettable Florida Adventure Is Key West Tarpon Fishing

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By Cathy Mercer

Almost everyone has had the experience of trying to catch fish, whether in a lake, a river or in the sea each version has its unique challenges, and the excitement is the same in all venues. One common theme among anglers is the pursuit of the biggest one they can land. There are few species that can rival the thrill one can get Key West tarpon fishing.

The Silver King, one of the most common monikers for Megalops atlanticus is a large fish by any standard. It can each over 8 feet in length and weigh as much as 350 pounds. This makes it a worthy challenge for any fisherman, experienced or novice. In addition, these fish are known as superb fighters.

This species, scientifically named Megalops atlanticus is considered vulnerable as its numbers have seen a 30 percent drop in the past five decades. Over fishing of adults and habitat loss account for the damage, so it is now a regulated animal in the US. Fortunately, the fish is too bony for the American pallet, and the catch and release policy is working.

Another reason the fish is such a popular sport fish is that it feeds night and day, and because it cannot bight off chunks For sportsmen, one of the thrills is that it feeds day and night, and it has small teeth, so it cannot bite off chunks of food. It takes the bait-fish whole, to the delight of anglers, who use barb-less hooks to reduce injury to the fish.

It is interesting that of all the game fish used in movies, the Silver King is rarely portrayed, which is probably good for the population. But for fighting spirit, it is like catching a trout or salmon, only one that is as big as the angler. It is no wonder that those who have engaged the species in battle do so over and over.

One might conclude that it is easy to entice a strike from a hunter that feeds at night and during the day, but that would be a mistake. The bait must be present to their front a few feet below the surface and moving away from them. The sight of a school of six to eight foot predators coming direct at one is enough to throw off any cast.

If one can aim well, given the startling visual impact of numerous six to eight foot specimens cruising directly toward the angler. Setting the hook for these enormous catches is also different, it is better to set the hook with several measured yanks instead of one large one. Finally, these fish leap from the water; the tactic is to aim the pole directly at the fish when it jumps.

To find the fish as they cruise over a wide area, one looks for the telltale leaping of bait fish jumping and thrashing to avoid the chasing school. If one manages to bring in one of these behemoths, a well deserved photograph is in order. But to preserve the Key West tarpon fishing experience for future anglers, a quick release is imperative.

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