Kinds of Saltwater Aquariums

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 Kinds of Saltwater Aquariums

When starting a saltwater aquarium there are several things you need to know. In this article I will go over the five main types of marine aquariums. Before we get into each type in detail, here are a few things to keep in mind. Typically saltwater aquariums have less fish than a freshwater tank of the same size. This is because saltwater fish tend to be larger than freshwater fish. Pet stores usually get their fish from breeders and aqua-farms or they are caught in the wild. Whenever possible you should by captive bred fish as opposed to ones caught in the wild. Generally captive bred fish are easier to take care of and hardier. Also it is difficult for wild caught fish to adjust to life in an aquarium. For example fish that are used to eating live prey don't adapt well to eating flake food.

Fish Only Tank

This is probably the easiest to care for of the five types, simply because you are only dealing with one type of species. Amongst the saltwater fish there are both tropical and coldwater types. They can't be kept together for obvious reasons. The water temperatures vary greatly. Tropical fish are usually brighter in color, and therefore more appealing to aquarium lovers than the fish available in the cold water variety. Most people are somewhat familiar with a few tropical fish such as the Clownfish or the Angel fish. However, few people have heard of such cold water varieties as, the Shanny or the Tompot Blenny.

invertebrate only aquarium

The second kind of saltwater tank is an invertebrate only tank. In an invertebrate only tank you will find shrimp, prawn, hermit crabs and possibly even a sea cucumber! An invert only tank may house only corals, especially the kind that have special requirements or are too delicate to place in other types of marine tanks. These tanks can be more tricky than fish only systems because of certain requirements of the inhabitants and because inverts tend to be less tolerant of fluctuations in water conditions.

coral reef aquarium

Reef aquariums can be tricky to maintain and must be thoroughly researched before attempted. The last category of saltwater aquariums is the specialty aquarium. An example of a specialty aquarium would be an aquarium full of sea horses. Sea horses should not be kept with any other type of fish or marine life, because they are timid and slow eaters. Their food source could easily be taken away by other tank mates. Seahorses prefer to swim vertically rather than horizontally, and should be placed in a tall tank. An octopus and a shark or a ray are other examples of fish that require special needs and would fall into the category of specialty aquarium.

Species Tank

Lastly, you have what is called a species or specialty tank. A species tank houses one specific breed of fish or sometimes only one fish because of either the nature of the fish or the nature of the breed. Sea horse would be an example of a species tank because sea horses have very specific needs which would be hard to meet in a reef tank. They are slow eaters so they couldn't be housed with aggressive fish who would eat all the food before they had a chance to get any. Sea horses swim vertically and not horizontally so they need a tall tank rather than a long shallow tank. Other examples of fish for a species tank could include sharks, rays, lion fish, and octopus. These would be best kept in their own tank.

 Regardless of which type of saltwater aquarium is chosen, research is highly recommended before purchasing any marine life. Make sure you are willing to make the commitment required to care for a saltwater aquarium.

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